At INTI VENTURES we have travaled acroos Mexico and belive we can improved people’s lives by doing the rigth thing. We recognize we live in a country with a big social inequality. Also, that a titanic effort ins requiered to challenge and improve the conditions in the primary sector. To put things in perspective, Mexico has absolutely all favorable conditions to be a global leader in coconut (cost of land, vast coastal territory, climate conditions, good labor, competitive labor costs proximity to the US which is the major global importer of most high value coconut products and aguile transport times); however, we are still a very small global player in high-quality coconut products.
Current productivity in Mexican plantations is as low as 4500 nuts per ha per year (as a reference Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia can grow as much as 35000 nuts per ha per year). So it is clear that there is just too much to be done to become a reliable and scalable global supplier. It is our mission and we are confident we will achieve this. Not only because of the business potential, but in a good measure because we know that by fully processing the coc0nuts an by combining efforts with global players, we will be able to trasfer value to the farmers and contribute to the communities where we participate in. The bigger the challenge, the more social and environmental the impact one can generate. This is our passion and our motor: to become a global player in coconut high-quality products, while trasforming the lives of our people and their communities.